Minds Beyond Limits
HigherWill Blog
This blog is about enflaming elements that make our lives richer and happier like having a sense of purpose and a better awareness of our values, and what we can do to deepen our connectedness. These are essentially spiritual elements which worked with in the right way will help us to prosper body, heart, mind and spirit to bring success & meaning to us in work and in life.
I’ve been a devoted seeker, a healer and coach for the past few decades and have been privileged to work with clients from all walks of life and from all over the world. Given my maths and corporate backgrounds, my bend has been more towards leadership and the workplace, and this blog reflects knowledge and experience gained in both spheres of my life.
I hope you enjoy reading it - a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled!
We owe almost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed, but to those who have differed
Charles Caleb Colton