Group Discussion: Romantic Love - Idealism vs Pragmatism
Tuesday 23rd March 6pm UK time & Saturday 27th March 11:30am UK time
Zoom Online
The idealistic and wonderful Mr. Rumi said: “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”
The pragmatic, and let’s face it more fun, Oliver Reed had a slightly different take: “Every man wants to marry a woman who’s a madonna in public and a whore in the bedroom”. Also on the practical spectrum are our fairytales folk like Cinderella, whose virtue and obedience is rewarded with a man who has status, wealth and looks; and given all of the prince's evident charms we can forgive him the small detail of not being able to recognise the love of his life except by her shoe size.
How do you see romantic love - are you so massively idealistic that no one ever makes the grade or do you overlook a multitude of sins to prevent a dodgy boat from sinking? Or maybe you managed to find that sweet spot where you have that all elusive "friendship on fire”?
There will be an exercise where we'll look at if you were embodying your Higher Self, how would you see romantic love from that perspective? And how is your Higher Self seeing how you’ve managed your love life: a) pleased b) compassionate c) one long face-palm?
We’d love to hear your views, experiences - and any advice! - you’re ready and willing to share. Time dependant there will be a soulmate meditation