Group Discussion: Heart or Head - Who Rules the Roost?
Saturday April 24th 2021, 2:00pm UK time & Tuesday April 27th 6:00pm UK
Zoom Online: please email for link
It is said A Thought without a Feeling has no Impact and a Feeling without a Thought has no Direction
Do you lead with your head and pride yourself on being rational and vision-led, or do you follow your heart and are happy you let your feelings and passions guide you?
Plans for a night in?
Heart: watch a favourite tear-jerker whilst crying into a jar of Nutella as you eat it with a spoon. Followed by popcorn
Head: steamed fish and broccoli for dinner followed by an enriching documentary on the Effects of Climate Change on Endangered Species of Western Africa
Hot Date?
Heart: YES! 😍
Head: Ugh… here we go again
If our hearts and heads can’t even agree on the simple things, how do we manage to get a consensus on the more important issues like a career plan, or the choices we need to make in intimate relationships?
It is said A Thought without a Feeling has no Impact and a Feeling without a Thought has no Direction. We’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this whole issue…
There will also be an exercise fairly early on in the session so be prepared to think of a situation where your head and heart are, or have been, at odds! Time permitting, we will be looking at research on heart-head coherence and how this affects us physiologically, and a meditation for heart-head dialogue and alignment
All welcome!