Servant Leadership: To Lead Truly is to Serve

July 2020

Zoom Online

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Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power -

Abraham Lincoln

This week is the last in this series of workshops and meditations, and is on a subject which has been close to my heart for many years: Servant Leadership. The I Ching, a book of wisdom believed to be around 5000 years old, has as its underlying principle “To Lead Truly is to Serve”. This noble wisdom is as desperately needed today as ever.

A Servant Leader is a person who prioritises the welfare of the people under their care, or a higher vision, over their personal material gain and glory. In short, a servant leader is one who leads with spiritual intelligence and love.

Anyone who influences leads. Whether it's your family, your friends, colleagues, community, political sphere, and in this world of Instagramisation... global influencers. It’s all leadership. We will be looking at what Servant Leadership is, what is the behaviour and beliefs of a servant leader, and how to improve our leadership skills and influence others to lead with love.

The meditation accompanying the presentation is Communion in Love.

Format - presentation and Q&A followed by guided meditation. Please allow one hour for the workshop
Suitable for all levels. We look forward to welcoming you then!


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