Bernando LaPallo
Who lived a healthy and vital life to 114 years young
Bernardo LaPallo became something of a healthy-living Ambassador in the US during the last part of his life well into his 100’s, less because of his age but more because of the quality of life he led, and his independence. He attributed his longevity to his lifestyle - plenty of veggies, no meat, walking a mile every morning, everything in moderation, and his faith.
Bernardo playing with his great-grand children
He swore by simple, unprocessed foods; these were staple favourites:
Olive oil
“Eat well, read well, and have faith in God”
Visiting the Yankees on his 111th birthday, Bernardo spoke about how he met Babe Ruth before he became a major league player. He said the first time he saw the Yankees in person they were called the Highlanders and played at Hilltop Park, their home until 1912
“This day has got me choked up. I never thought I would live to see a new Yankee Stadium when I lived before the first one. I never thought about it.”
You can see the clip on youtube of Bernard being honoured by the Yankees on his 111th birthday:
111-Year-Old Yankees Fan Honored at Yankee Stadium
Video clip of ABC Arizona reporting on Bernardo’s 111th birthday:
Valley man celebrates 111th birthday
You can find out more about Bernard’s habits in his book:
Beyond 100: How To Live Well Into Your Second Century
Bernard passed away in 2015 aged 114